Ep. 41 - Respecting Your Limits with JC Dubeau

Ep. 41 - Respecting Your Limits with JC Dubeau

If JC Dubeau is known it’s somewhat as a dark horse. Seriously, who is this guy?

🧊 About the episode

If JC Dubeau is known it’s somewhat as a dark horse. 

Search for JC online and you won’t find any trip reports or beta spraying, but as a soloist with a selfie stick he has surprisingly good photos on IG for someone who likes to keep a low profile. JC is also an older athlete who doesn’t train or project yet he will likely send yours if you let him. 💪

So who is this guy?

In this episode, we chat about:

  • 🧊 How there’s old and there’s bold, but there’s no old-bold climbers
  • 🧊 His five goes rule and other principles to climb by
  • 🧊 Climbing without a rope more often than with 
  • 🧊 Designing gear
  • 🧊 And much more

You can follow JC on Instagram — for often glorious fisheye photos — at @jcdubeau.

🧊 Credits

📸: Cover photo courtesy of JC.

Intro music by Hannah Noelle Enomoto (thanks, sis!). This episode was edited by Andrew Salomone of salomonesound.com

🧊 Sponsors:

A huge thanks to Aniiu Gloves and Furnace Industries for supporting this show!

Aniiu Gloves: What do you get when you combine 30 years of ice climbing and product design chops? Well, if you’re into gloves you get Aniiu — a boutique climbing brand on a mission to produce the best ice climbing and drytooling gloves around. Doug, Jun, and the rest of the team spare no expense in the pursuit of durable, dextrous and waterproof. Best yet, they are made from recycled textiles — which saves waste from the landfill — and they are robustly built so they won’t end up there anytime soon. To learn more about your friend in the cold, head to aniiu.com. That is aniiu.com.

Furnace Industries: We get it, ice season never really ends… it just kinda blends between rock, plastic, and plywood until waterfalls freeze over again. No matter how you train in the off-season Furnace Industries keeps you going ‘til your next bout of screaming barfies. With their gym-safe DRY ICE Evolutions you can keep up your fitness indoors. And if you’re looking to challenge yourself on your homewall, they have the largest stock of drytooling holds in America. Check out their full lineup of ice and drytooling gear at furnace-Industries.com… where It’s Always Ice Season.

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Written by

Ice Ice Beta

Ice Ice Beta

Staff profile for guest posts. See article body for author bio.