Meet the Maker: Benjamin Leibham of Alto Gear

Meet the Maker: Benjamin Leibham of Alto Gear

You’ve probably seen Ben’s ice screw wrap at an ice festival, they are the brightly colored roll-ups made of repurposed billboard vinyl. And they are bomber – which is on purpose. Benjamin Leibham, the Founder of Alto Gear, is on a mission to make ice climbing gear more sustainable.

🎙Today we chat with Benjamin Leibham, the Founder of Alto Gear, which make ice climbing accessories out of upcycled and recycled material.

You’ve probably seen Ben’s ice screw wrap at an ice festival, they are the brightly colored roll-ups made of repurposed billboard vinyl. And they are bomber (I’m a proud owner of one) – which is on purpose. Ben is a product designer whose mission is to make ice climbing gear more sustainable. To start, he’s using technical material that would otherwise end up in a landfill, sourcing and manufacturing locally, and designing gear that lasts. He’s got some big plans too.

Hear more of his story and design philosophy in today’s episode.



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Written by

Aaron Gerry

Aaron Gerry

Ljubljana, Slovenia
Aaron is the host of Ice Ice Beta and one of the Online Editors of The Cooler.