Ice Ice Beta

Ice Ice Beta

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Ep. 38 - A Life of Stoke and Steel with Roger Strong

Ep. 38 - A Life of Stoke and Steel with Roger Strong

Roger Strong made his catch king crab fishing so he could ski and climb the rest of the year — it was a path forged by sea and steel and off-season adventure. But the metallurgy of life also requires tempering, annealing, and healing too.

A young boy ice climbs close to the ground. The camera is above him, shooting down to show concentration on his face.

Shared Psyche: My Kid Tries Ice Climbing

Part of the human condition is wanting to share the things we love; the things we find meaning in. So in February 2024, when my 8-year old son asked if he could “try ice climbing,” my stoke level was off the charts.



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