About the podcast+


Sure, it's a podcast, but can it be more?

In 2022, Aaron (host dude) spent the winter in Boulder. He climbed at The Ice Coop when he couldn't get outside (which was more than he would have liked).

Great community. Welcoming. Stoked. Like a bunch of friends nerding out on tools, having fun and getting after it.

While Boulder sucks, the Coop is rad.

Can something like that exist in an online space? Can this podcast help facilitate that? We'll see.

Ice Coop chicken. Logo by Lois Ann Pador Luce-Kempney

Ice Coop chicken. Logo by Lois Ann Pador Luce-Kempney

Ice Coop chicken.

Logo by Lois Ann Pador Luce-Kempney

Less faff

We're a resource first and foremost.

The model we've learned from running events is that content should teach you something or be loads of fun. Ideally both.

What that means is we'll keep the faff to a minimum, except where the faffing about greatly adds to the fun factor (paraphrasing from someone else, but can't for the life of us remember who. So sorry).

Anyway, we've found some shows/episodes have a really low Density of Interesting. You know the kind, where when you finish you wonder why the hell you just wasted an hour)… We'll try and avoid that.

Local first. Diverse voices. Preserving history

Talking with climbers from around the country, a big request has been to highlight under the radar locals. We aim to elevate voices that don't typically get to share their story.

Along those lines, part of our goal is to be an archival project. We'll interview climbers of older generations in order to record their stories. We all stand on the shoulders of giants, but we don't always know who they are.

Extra, extra!

Sure, it's a podcast, but can it be more?

Yes it can.

A Discord channel. Monthly Q&A with a coach. Book club. Live AMAs. And a bunch more. Check out the Perks page to learn about the extras.

That's why we're calling this a podcast+.

Meet your host

Meet your host

Aaron Gerry (that guy 👈) is a generally mediocre all-around climber. Accordingly, he's a sometimes chuffer (hence a podcast). A freelance writer, he’s written for Climbing, Rock and Ice, ESPN, and a handful of other pubs. He’s stoked on mixed.

Aaron Gerry (that guy 👇) is a very moderate all-around climber. That means he's a sometimes chuffer (hence a podcast). He got stoked on ice climbing two years ago.

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© 2023 Ice Ice Beta. All rights reserved.

© 2023 Ice Ice Beta. All rights reserved.