About Ice Ice Beta

Ice Ice Beta is an independent, climber-owned podcast and publication. It was started by Aaron Gerry, aka, that guy πŸ‘‡

Join me each month as we chat with climbers from the ice climbing, mixed, and drytooling community.

Speaking of community

Our goal is to contribute our part.

Some people develop new areas, others push the boundaries of the sport, and others still create gear.

We do this through storytelling and documenting.

Diverse voices

Talking with climbers from around the world, a big request has been to highlight under-the-radar locals and silent crushers. We aim to elevate voices that don't typically get to share their story.

You've already heard from the sponsored folks, plenty of times.

Along those lines, we also aim to be an archival project. We'll interview climbers of older generations in order to record their stories. We all stand on the shoulders of giants, but we don't always know who they are.

Less faff

We're a resource first and foremost.

The model we've learned from running events is that content should teach you something or be loads of fun. Ideally both.

What that means is we'll keep the faff to a minimum, except where the faffing about greatly adds to the fun factor.

Meet your host

Aaron Gerry is a generally mediocre all-around climber. Accordingly, he's a sometimes chuffer (hence he talks about climbing... on a podcast... more than crushes at it). A freelance writer by trade, he’s written for Climbing, Rock and Ice, ESPN, and a handful of other pubs. He’s stoked on mixed.

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